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T E S T I M O N I A L S 

After coming here for treatment, I am able to turn better, have more strength to do house work without pain and feels lighter overall. 

Madam Tan, 64


I was having bad neck and back pain, migraines and other pains in knees and ankle. After I started treatment, I feel less tight muscles, less back/neck pain. Better quality of life :) 

Priyanka, 32

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Before seeking chiropractic treatment, I used to have back pain, headache, shoulder pain & neck pain which had been bothering me for years. 

After treatment by Dr. Stephanie, I am feeling much better now. Less pain on shoulder, back & neck. Improved my sleeping quality as well.

Thank you Dr. Stephanie for your advice & patience. 

Jessmine, 47

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Before coming to Dr David for chiro care, I was having constant backaches & muscle tightness.

After treatment with Dr David, my condition improved a lot and coupled with exercises that Dr David taught me, I feel better and more energized! 

Thank you! 

David, 31

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I've been struggling with lower and neck issues since 2017. As a result, I couldn't exercise pain-free and my sleep quality suffered as I was constantly in pain.

Prior to treatment with Reform Chiropractic, I've been to a couple of traditional chinese doctors and other chiropractors, none of them actually helped. After treatment with Reform Chiropractic, my neck pain is gone and my back was significantly improved. I am sleeping better and I can go to the gym and train without pain. 

Fabian, 24


Mr Chan, 59

After 6 treatments, I have more strength to carry heavy loads, able to climb stairs comfortably and stronger lower back to do some house chores 

Thank you! 

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Dear Dr David, 

Thank you for your patience and help with my bony problems. 

I love every sessions and I feel much better after. 

Zac, 9 


My body was aching all over and tired easily. After a couple of months of therapy sessions, my body does not hurt like before, even after gym and exercise regimes. The therapy sessions help a lot in alleviating the aching, and I have learn how to take care of my body with Dr Stephanie's advice. 

Sean, 42

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Before my right wrist was injured, unable to move and also my right arm. After about 6 visits I recover and able to move my right wrist again. And my right arm is getting better now. I still come for my visit every 2 weeks. Thanks to Dr David. 


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Less pain in the back and neck area. I used to have frequent aches and pain everywhere!! With Dr David, he eased out all the areas that feel uncomfortable. I need chiro every week. It has become my lifestyle. 

Thank you Dr David :) 

Joelle, 38

Jason, 35

Before seeking chiropractic care, I have aching and tightness in the back and neck area, especially shoulders. After I started treatment, there's less aching, able to breathe better, less prone to sickness. Feel so much better every week after the chiro session by Dr David.

Thank you Dr David  


R E F O R M   C H I R O P R A C T I C 
301 Serangoon Ave 2, #01-338
Singapore 550301

T: +65 8100 3099


Opening hours  
Tuesday - 2pm - 7pm 
Wednesday - 9am - 1pm, 3pm - 7pm
Thursday - 9am - 1pm, 3pm - 7pm
Friday - 9am - 1pm, 3pm - 7pm
Saturday - 9am - 1pm
Monday, Sunday and Public Holidays - Closed 

© 2024 Reform Chiropractic Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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