What to Expect on Your First Visit
We notice that most patients come in to our clinic with problems to solve. As much as we want to help you to resolve the problem as quickly as possible, it takes time to properly understand the condition thus the first visit normally takes at least 30-45 minutes depending on the complexity and history of the case.
After a thorough history and examination, the doctor will either provide an initial treatment or refer for the appropriate examination depending on their judgement of the situation.
Prior or older examinations such as MRI's or X-Rays can be helpful but are not compulsory to have before you step into our clinic. If you do have any, feel free to bring them along with you as it can help speed up the diagnoses and aid in the first treatment if treatment is done during the first session.
Initial Consultation - First Visit
This will normally consist of:
History consultation
Postural and/or Gait analysis
Range of motion analysis
Orthopedic and neurological exams if necessary
Referral for any additional imaging if necessary (i.e. X-Ray)*
Your first adjustment/treatment if appropriate
*based on history and severity of the injury

*X-Ray Report of Findings - Second Visit
If you have been sent for x-rays then your second visit will consist of:
Explanation of what is causing the problem
Whether we can help
If we can help, then how can we help
Expectations for your recovery
Recommended care plan
Treatment based off findings
*Report of Findings only if sent for X-Rays during the first visit